News & Announcements Archive

The Writing Seminars Announces 2022 Student Award Winners

Congratulations to the 2022 Student Award Winners! UNDERGRADUATE THE CHAFFEE WRITING PRIZE Recognizing the performance and promise of one or more Writing Seminars undergraduates. Ryan Aghamohammadi Joi L. Haskins DANIELLE […]

Jalen Eutsey, M.F.A. ’18, Awarded Stegner Fellowship

Jalen Eutsey, M.F.A. ’18, Awarded Stegner Fellowship

The Writing Seminars is happy to announce that Jalen Eutsey was awarded a Stegner Fellowship for 2022-2024. Unique among writing programs, Stanford offers ten two-year fellowships each year, five in […]

Deirdre Danklin, MFA ’19, and Shannon Robinson Receive Independent Artist Award

Deirdre Danklin, MFA ’19, and Shannon Robinson Receive Independent Artist Award

The Writing Seminars is happy to report that Deirdre Danklin, MFA ’19, and Shannon Robinson each won an Independent Artist Award from the Maryland State Arts Council. Independent Artist Awards […]

Danielle Alyse Basford Writing Prize Open to Graduating Seniors in The Writing Seminars

Danielle Alyse Basford Writing Prize Open to Graduating Seniors in The Writing Seminars

Danielle Alyse Basford Writing Prize Open to Graduating Seniors in The Writing Seminars We are pleased to announce the 10th year of the Danielle Alyse Basford Writing Prize, a $1,000 […]

Dora Malech and Gabriella Fee Win 2021 Malinda A. Markham Translation Prize

Dora Malech and Gabriella Fee Win 2021 Malinda A. Markham Translation Prize

The Writing Seminars is thrilled to announce that current M.F.A. candidate Gabriella Fee and Dora Malech won the Malinda A. Markham Translation Prize from Saturnalia Books for their co-translation of […]

Aleyna Rentz, M.F.A. ’19, Named 2021 St. Lawrence Book Award Finalist

Aleyna Rentz, M.F.A. ’19, Named 2021 St. Lawrence Book Award Finalist

The Writing Seminars is pleased to announce that Aleyna Rentz’s was named a finalist for The St. Lawrence Book Award for her short story collection, The Land of Uz. Black […]

Two luminaries—a cosmologist and a poet—contemplate our place in the universe

Writing Seminars faculty member Andrew Motion engages with Adam Riess from Physics in wide-ranging discussion ahead of upcoming launch of the James Webb Space Telescope.

Deirdre Danklin, MFA ’19, Wins The Clay Reynolds Novella Prize

Deirdre Danklin, MFA ’19, Wins The Clay Reynolds Novella Prize

The Writing Seminars is pleased to announce that Deirdre Danklin, MFA ‘ 19, has won The Clay Reynolds Novella Prize. Established in 2001, The Clay Reynolds Novella Prize highlights one […]

Kate Keleher, MFA ‘ 21, Wins Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award

Congratulations to Kate Keleher who won the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award for the 2020-21 Krieger School’s Excellence in Teaching and Excellence in Advising Awards. Some of the comments about Kate’s […]

Danielle Evans Wins 2021 Joyce Carol Oates Prize

Danielle Evans Wins 2021 Joyce Carol Oates Prize

Congratulations to Danielle Evans, the 2021 Joyce Carol Oates Prize Recipient! Awarded by the New Literary Project (formerly the Simpson Literary Project), the Prize annually honors a midcareer author of […]