Katie Moulton is the author of Dead Dad Club: On Grief and Tom Petty (Audible 2022). Her essays, stories, and music criticism appear in Salon, The Believer, New England Review, Sewanee Review, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, Tin House, Oxford American, No Depression, Catapult, Boulevard, Bitch Magazine, Denver Post, the Village Voice, and other magazines. Her work has been supported by fellowships from MacDowell, Bread Loaf, Art Omi, Djerassi, Jentel Foundation, Oklahoma Center for the Humanities, Tulsa Artist Fellowship, Virginia Center for Creative Arts, and elsewhere. She earned an MFA at Indiana University, where she held the Omar Castaneda Fellowship and was the editor of Indiana Review. From St. Louis, she lives in Baltimore. She teaches in The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University and the Newport MFA at Salve Regina University.